Dear Friends and Loved Ones,
Dr. David Gordeuk made an interesting suggestion in response to the question asked in the Ham-Nye de- bate on creation vs. evolution, which was, “If there would be one thing that would change your mind about what you believe, what would that be?” Dr. Gordeuk suggested that if the Apostle Paul were asked this question he would have replied, “If there had been no resurrection, then our faith would be empty, and we would be without any hope.” (1 Cor. 15:13-19) The resurrection of Christ is the central fact of our faith, and it is the fact that sets the Christian faith apart from all other religions and belief sys- tems. All over the world, Christians from the East and from the West will soon be observing The Resurrection! “He is risen! Christ is risen indeed!”
In February we celebrated with several special friends in the Christian Center. In the photo, from left to right, front row: Alexandra from Murmansk, a wonderful, musical lady with a shining face; yours truly; Kostya, the 5-year-old son of Nata- sha G; back row: Sergei, who came to Christ because of Natasha’s witness; Gid- eon, a student from Tanzania; Judy; and Natasha G, whose testimony has already been featured in these prayer letters.
New believers are coming to Christ in the churches we are working with in Vyborg, as this photo shows. Vyborg Christian Center is always receiving visitors from all over Russia and all over the world. From its very beginning, the Christian Center has been a hospitality house and
an ark of refuge for many poor souls tossed about on the stormy seas of life.
For several years we have requested prayer for Anna V., who has undergone chemother- apy for cancer several times. Now she is continuing to work in the mailing ministry to prisoners, along with the young lady who is studying to be her replacement, Jenya A., pictured in our December prayer letter. Not only has the Lord answered our prayers for Anna, but He has provided a very capable successor to carry on the work of corre- sponding with prisoners in hundreds of pris-
ons all across the vast nation of Russia.
Ludmila S. continues to visit many needy people in the hospitals of Vy- borg District. Here she is talking with the head nurse at the little old clinic in Kondratjevo. Thanks to the faithfulness of our friends in Nor- way, this outreach is continuing. Ludmila’s husband, Sergei, also helps her in many ways, but he is
not well himself, so his frequent vis-
its to the hospital are sometimes for outreach and sometimes for treat- ments. Please pray for Ludmila and Sergei!
In March, a high wind blew over a tree in back of our Center. We also had the old maple tree just behind the Center cut down. Aleksei Glushkov and his wife Alya have been very capably taking care of all the events happening at our Christian Center. Please remember them in prayer! Now we are returning to join them, flying home to Russia at the end of March. All for Jesus,
Richard & Judy
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