Russian Lifeline Prayer Letter, June 2020

Dear Friends and Loved Ones,
Grace and Peace be multiplied to you all!

Attached is the latest edition of our Russian Lifeline Prayer Letter. The borders of both Finland and Russia remain closed, and as of yet no one knows when they will reopen. We expect to spend most of the summer here in America. Here in Florida we have been having torrential rains and several places on our “campus” here have been flooded + a number of homes in the Hobe Sound community.

We are in daily touch with friends in Russia via free-of-charge social media! Vyborg Christian Center is still functioning under the leadership of Aleksander Tarasov and his wife, but meetings are not allowed there or in any of the churches. Here is a brief report from Pastor Aleksey Ferdinand about what his church (the Church on the Rock) has been doing:

“Friends, I want to inform you that during the epidemic we developed a ministry of assistance to those in need. Every Thursday we give people bread. About 70 people come to us. We preach, pray with them. People listen to us with interest. Along with ordinary bread, the Bread of life enters their heart.

“We also distribute, if possible, food assistance individually to people, large families, those who are in need. We try to help them feel the love of God, His help in this difficult time. There are 20 people on my list whom I visit with groceries. Aleksey Glushkov (who was manager of the Christian Center from 2008 to 2018) also has many whom he serves in word, in deed, and with bread. Deacon Sergei Vishniakov (who served for several years as President of The Gideons in Russia) provides our support base, collecting products and providing a place for their storage.

God bless you all!”

Since the borders are closed, it is difficult for us to send any kind of help to them (and likewise for their friends in Finland, Sweden, and Norway). But there is a complicated way we can send money. Most of all, thank you for your prayers!

All for Jesus, Richard & Judy